Thursday, July 19, 2012

Seamlessly Static Meta Model generation

I would like to introduce a simple, quick and straight forward way to create Static Meta Model classes.

First, I would like to correct a perception I had in my previous post regarding the place such files are created.
Since the Static Meta Model files are generated classes and should automatically changed for each @Entity modification they should placed in the target folder and not comitted to the repository.

Moreover, creation of static meta model files via Eclipse works correctly if you use the appropriate generation project version and te right plugin.

First step is to get the class generation jar. Put in pom.xml :

Then in eclipse add the annotation generation plugin via Help ->Eclipse Market place -> search for "Apt M2E" and install it.

After the installation right click on your project -> properties -> Java compiler-> Annotation processing -> mark "enable project specific settings" (and actually all the checkboxes on that screen), in the Generated Source Directory put "target\generated-sources" (This will generate the classes in your target folder).

Inside the Annotation processing item there is a Factory Path item, enable this part as well and set the jar we import via maven to generate the classes. You can do it by clicking Add Variable -> M2_REPO -> Extend -> and choose the following: path : /org/hibernate/hibernate-jpamodelgen/1.2.0.Final/hibernate-jpamodelgen-1.2.0.Final.jar

Make sure only that path is checked.

As a final step, please make sure the target\generated-sources folder is on your classpath (right click-> build path -> ad as source folder).

That's it. Every change should trigger automatic static meta model generation.


  1. Hi Gal,

    Great blog! Is there an email address I can contact you in private?

  2. Do you know if this is working for Eclipse Juno, or any alternative way to do this? The annotation tab is not in Eclipse Juno, and I did not find any reliable way to do this.

    1. Haven't tried it in Juno yet, since last time I installed it, it was unstable.
      Try looking in the Project properties -> compile section...

    2. Update: Yes, it is working in Juno, If you don't find the Factory Path, just search "Factory Path" in the properties search box.
